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Luna ThomasOffline

    • Profile picture of Luna Thomas

      Luna Thomas posted

      17 hours, 15 minutes ago

      Hey, fellow PUBG enthusiasts! Let’s talk about landing zones – the crucial starting point for any match. When it comes to choosing the perfect spot, it’s all about balancing risk and reward. Want high-tier loot? Drop into Pochinki or School, but be ready for a firefight. Prefer a quieter start? Try Georgopol or Severny for decent gear with fewer enemies.

      Personally, I love hitting up smaller compounds near the edge of the map. You can gear up in peace and then make your way strategically towards the center as the circle shrinks. Remember, adaptability is key in PUBG – always be ready to switch up your landing zone based on the plane’s path and your squad’s playstyle.

      What are your favorite landing zones, and why? Let’s swap tactics and help each other dominate those early-game skirmishes!

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