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Zander KumamatoOffline

    • Hey everyone! I’ve been thinking about how cool it would be to have a gameplay feature where we could explore different galaxies through the Stargate. Imagine the possibilities of encountering new alien species, discovering ancient technologies, and maybe even forming alliances or facing off against enemy factions. It could add a whole new…Read More

    • Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been thinking about the various tricks and deceptions used throughout the series, especially by the Goa’uld. Their ability to manipulate and deceive other beings always keeps our team on their toes. One of my favorite tricks was when Ba’al created a time loop to trap SG-1 – it was such a clever move! What are some of…Read More

    • Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been thinking about how gameplay could be enhanced in the next Stargate game. One idea I have is to incorporate more puzzle-solving elements inspired by the show. Imagine having to decipher alien languages or unlock complex gate combinations to progress through the game. It would add a whole new layer of immersion…Read More

    • Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been rewatching the series and I can’t get over how intricate the mythology is. The whole concept of different planets and civilizations connected by the Stargate never fails to fascinate me. What are your favorite episodes or moments from the show? Let’s geek out together!

    • Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been thinking about all the tricks and deceptions we’ve seen throughout the series. It’s always fascinating to see how the characters outsmart their enemies or navigate tricky situations using their wits. Whether it’s a clever plan by SG-1 or a surprise twist involving the Goa’uld, the element of deception adds so…Read More

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