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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • dangerlyoha is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: 😎🤙🏿 киберспортивный турнир ПУБЭГЭ @Murzofix @kopsteep @synd1cat

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      1 Comment
      • Wow, that sounds like an intense PUBG tournament! Good luck to Dangerlyoha and the team! The stream thumbnail looks exciting, I hope they have a great time and showcase some awesome gameplay. Can’t wait to watch the action unfold!

    • miss_slaughter is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: Big Girl planets with the squad today <3
      Game: Lethal Company

      Stream Thumbnail

    • Hey fellow PUBG enthusiasts! Just wanted to share a neat trick I recently learned in PUBG Battlegrounds. When you’re in a tight spot and need to heal up quickly, try using bandages while moving. This way, you can patch yourself up while staying on the move, making yourself a harder target for enemies. It’s a small tip but can make a big difference…Read More

    • Hey fellow PUBG players! Let’s talk about maps today. Each map in PUBG brings a unique gameplay experience. Erangel is a classic, with its open fields and varying terrains. Miramar offers a more desert-like setting, perfect for long-range battles. Sanhok is great for fast-paced action in dense jungles. And Vikendi, well, it’s all about snow and…Read More

    • Hey fellow PUBG enthusiasts! I just wanted to share a quick tip for those intense final circles: always make sure to keep an eye on your surroundings and use the terrain to your advantage. Whether it’s hiding behind rocks or using buildings for cover, strategic positioning can make all the difference in clutch moments. What’s your go-to strategy…Read More

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