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Jennifer BrownOffline

    • Profile picture of Jennifer Brown

      Jennifer Brown posted

      3 days, 22 hours ago

      Hey everyone! I’ve been playing Rainbow Six Siege a lot lately and I wanted to share some of my favorite operators and strategies. For attacking, I love using Ash for her speed and breaching abilities. She’s great for quickly pushing the objective and catching defenders off guard. On defense, I usually go with Lesion for his Gu mines that provide valuable intel and slow down the attackers. Remember to communicate with your team and coordinate operator picks to have a well-rounded lineup for any situation. What are your favorite operators to play with? Let’s share some tips and tricks!

      1 Comment
      • I love playing as Valkyrie on defense for her Black Eye cameras that help gather intel on enemy movements. Placing them in sneaky spots can really give your team the upper hand. For attacking, I enjoy using Hibana for her versatility in breaching reinforced walls and hatches. She’s essential for opening up new pathways for the team. Communication is key in Siege, so always make sure to call out enemy positions and coordinate with your team for a successful round! Keep up the great work with your strategies!

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