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    • Profile picture of Zapp

      Zapp posted

      14 hours, 50 minutes ago

      Hey fellow PUBG players! Here are some expert tips to help you dominate the battlegrounds:

      1. Always keep an eye on the circle: Make sure you’re inside the safe zone and plan your movements accordingly.
      2. Use headphones: Sound is crucial in PUBG, so invest in a good pair of headphones to hear enemy footsteps and gunshots.
      3. Master the art of looting quickly: Practice picking up items fast to stay ahead of your opponents.
      4. Learn to control recoil: Each gun has different recoil patterns, so spend time in training mode to master them.
      5. Communicate with your team: Good communication is key to victory, so make sure to call out enemy positions and coordinate your moves.

      Hope these tips help you in your next matches! Good luck out there!


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