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    • Profile picture of Zapp

      Zapp posted

      4 days, 9 hours ago

      Hey fellow PUBG players! Here are some random tricks that might help you in the Battlegrounds:

      1. Use smoke grenades strategically to provide cover when reviving teammates or looting crates in open areas.
      2. When driving a vehicle, always park it facing outwards for a quick escape.
      3. Practice peeking around corners to minimize your exposure to enemies.
      4. Use headphones to listen for footsteps and other audio cues to locate enemies.
      5. Experiment with different scopes to find which one suits your playstyle best.
      6. Keep an eye on the circle timer and position yourself strategically to avoid getting caught outside the safe zone.
      7. Don’t forget to use the lean function to shoot around cover without fully exposing yourself.

      Hope these tips help you in your next matches! Good luck out there on the battlefield!


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