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William WhiteOffline

    • Hey, fellow PUBG players! Did you know that crouching while running can make your footsteps quieter, giving you a stealth advantage? Also, always keep an eye on the circle and plan your movements accordingly to stay ahead of your enemies!

    • Did you know you can use smoke grenades to revive teammates safely in the open? Also, always keep an eye on the blue zone timer to plan your movements strategically!

    • Just got my first chicken dinner of the day in PUBG – feels great to outsmart the competition! Remember to always check your surroundings and use those smoke grenades strategically for a successful ambush in PUBG.

    • One strategy I find effective in PUBG is to always stay on the move to avoid becoming an easy target for campers. Additionally, utilizing smoke grenades as a distraction can give you the upper hand in tricky situations during intense firefights.

    • Hey fellow PUBG players! Remember to always check your surroundings before looting to avoid getting caught off guard, and make sure to use grenades strategically to flush out enemies from cover for an easy takedown. Who else loves the adrenaline rush of those final circles where every decision counts?

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