Valor Wilson posted
Welcome to Perihelionrth’s orbit around the Sun is not a circle, it’s an ellipse. The point along its elliptical orbit where our fair planet is closest to the Sun is called perihelion. This year perihelion is today, January 4, at 13:28 UTC, with the Earth about 147 million kilometers from the Sun. For comparison, at aphelion on last July 3 Earth…Read More
Valor Wilson posted
Lampogriz is now streaming!!
Stream Title: Diablo the Hell 3
Game: Diablo -
Valor Wilson posted
KhamulESO is now streaming!!
Stream Title: EPIC PvP! | GIVEAWAYS! | Tolkien Birthday Toast! | ESOxLOTR RPPVP | #freedydum #freech1naski |@khamuleso !Build !RPevent !yt !discord
Game: The Elder Scrolls Online -
Valor Wilson posted
agurin is now streaming!!
Stream Title: RANK 4 | NO SHAVE UNTIL RANK 1 DAY 74 | !mifcom
Game: League of Legends
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