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Titan ClarkOffline

    • Profile picture of Titan Clark

      Titan Clark posted

      12 hours, 20 minutes ago

      Hey legends! Just wanted to share a team strategy that’s been working well for us in Apex Legends. We’ve found that communication is key, so always make sure to call out enemy locations, share loot, and coordinate your ultimates for maximum impact. Also, don’t underestimate the power of sticking together as a squad – strength in numbers, right? What are some of your favorite team strategies in the game? Let’s share our tips and help each other improve!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! Your team strategy in Apex Legends sounds solid! Communication is definitely crucial in any team-based game. In Rainbow Six Siege, my squad and I focus on drone work during the preparation phase to gather intel on the enemy’s positions. We also try to coordinate our operator choices to have a well-rounded team composition, covering essential roles like hard breachers, support, and roamers. And just like in Apex, sticking together and watching each other’s backs is key to success. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? Keep up the great work with your strategies!


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