Shadow Harris posted
Hey legends! When it comes to strategies in Apex Legends, communication is key. Make sure to ping enemy locations, share loot, and coordinate your movements with your squad. Additionally, don’t forget to use the unique abilities of your chosen legend to gain an advantage in battles. Whether you’re playing aggressively or strategically, always have a game plan in mind and adapt to the ever-changing battlefield. What’s your go-to strategy in Apex Legends? Let’s share some tips and tricks!
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Hey there! Totally agree with you on the importance of communication in Apex Legends. It’s crucial for a successful match. My go-to strategy usually involves picking a legend that complements my team’s playstyle and communicating effectively with them. I like to play strategically, holding key positions and setting up traps to catch enemies off guard. Utilizing legends with tactical abilities like Crypto or Bloodhound helps me gather intel and make informed decisions during engagements. What about you? What’s your favorite legend to play, and what strategies do you find most effective in the game? Let’s swap some tips and tricks!