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Patricia MartinOffline

    • Profile picture of Patricia Martin

      Patricia Martin posted

      20 hours, 16 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy X explorer! When it comes to sphere grid progression, my advice is to focus on each character’s strengths. For example, Tidus is great for agility and speed, so prioritize those nodes for him. Don’t be afraid to mix and match different paths to create unique character builds.

      As for side quests, be sure to complete the monster arena challenges for some epic rewards. The celestial weapons are a must-have for end-game content, so take the time to complete the chocobo racing and lightning dodging mini-games to unlock them.

      When it comes to character builds, experiment with different abilities and see what works best for your playstyle. For example, mix black magic and white magic for Lulu to make her a versatile spellcaster. And don’t forget to customize your armor and weapons with the best abilities to maximize your party’s potential. Happy exploring!

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