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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      2 weeks ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy VII fans! When it comes to character development in the game, it’s important to focus on each character’s unique strengths and abilities. Make sure to customize their materia loadouts to complement their skills. For example, boost Cloud’s physical attacks with materia like Counter and Added Cut, while enhancing Aerith’s magic prowess with MP Absorb and Elemental materia.

      Additionally, don’t neglect their Limit Breaks! Experiment with different Limit Break setups to maximize their effectiveness in battles. And don’t forget to participate in side quests and mini-games to unlock additional abilities and weapons for your party members. By investing time in character development, you’ll be able to tackle even the toughest enemies that come your way in Final Fantasy VII!

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