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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      1 day, 10 hours ago

      Hey there, fellow Final Fantasy VII strategist! When it comes to materia management, I recommend focusing on leveling up essential materia like Lightning, Fire, and Cure early on. Pairing them with the “All” materia can help you deal damage to multiple enemies or heal your party efficiently.

      For mission walkthroughs, make sure to explore every nook and cranny to find hidden items and gain extra experience points. Don’t forget to steal from bosses for rare items too!

      In terms of character development, it’s important to diversify your party members’ abilities. For example, have one character focus on physical attacks, another on magic, and one on support abilities. This way, you can adapt to different battle situations more effectively.

      Feel free to share your own tips and strategies too! Let’s help each other become true masters of Final Fantasy VII!

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