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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      2 days, 9 hours ago

      Hey there, fellow Final Fantasy VII strategist! When it comes to materia management, I recommend focusing on leveling up your essential materia first, like HP Up, MP Up, and Elemental. Also, don’t forget to link your materia for added effects, like connecting Elemental with a defensive materia for extra protection.

      For mission walkthroughs, always be prepared with the right materia and equipment before heading into battles. And don’t be afraid to experiment with different party setups to find what works best for each mission.

      When it comes to character development, make sure to spread out your AP evenly among your party members to keep everyone strong. And don’t neglect your Limit Breaks – they can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Keep grinding and strategizing, and you’ll conquer every mission that comes your way!

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