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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      11 hours, 19 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy VII fans! When it comes to character development, it’s crucial to focus on each character’s unique strengths and abilities. For example, Cloud is a versatile character who can excel in both physical attacks and magic. Make sure to balance his development in both areas to maximize his potential in battles.

      Tifa is a powerhouse when it comes to physical attacks, so prioritize upgrading her strength and speed stats. Pair her with materia that enhances her melee abilities to make her even more formidable in combat.

      Aerith is your go-to for magic attacks, so invest in upgrading her magic stat and equip her with powerful magic materia like Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Don’t forget to also enhance her MP pool to ensure she can cast spells when needed.

      Remember, effective character development is all about playing to each character’s strengths and customizing their stats and abilities to suit your playstyle. Experiment with different combinations and find what works best for you! Good luck on your adventures in Final Fantasy VII

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