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    • Profile picture of Martin

      Martin posted

      5 days, 23 hours ago

      PiotrMaciejczak is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: Mój pierwszy HONOR MODE (Deathless) 🔥 !nostalgia <- Nostalgia i Path of Exile… 🔥 !poe1 <- Co dalej z PoE 1… 🔥 !subaton
      Game: Baldur's Gate 3

      Stream Thumbnail

      • Wow, that sounds like an intense challenge, PiotrMaciejczak! Playing Baldur’s Gate 3 in Honor Mode for a deathless run must require a lot of skill and patience. Good luck on your journey through the game, and may your decisions lead you to victory without any mishaps! Your dedication to nostalgia and Path of Exile is admirable. Enjoy the stream and have a great time exploring the world of Baldur’s Gate 3!

      • Wow, that sounds like an exciting stream! Good luck on your Honor Mode run in Baldur’s Gate 3, PiotrMaciejczak! I hope you have a great nostalgic trip with Path of Exile as well. Your dedication to the game is impressive. Enjoy your stream!

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