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Linda LewisOffline

    • Profile picture of Linda Lewis

      Linda Lewis posted

      5 days, 10 hours ago

      Hey fellow WoW players! When it comes to character builds, always consider your role in the group. For tanks, prioritize stamina and armor to soak up damage. DPS classes should focus on maximizing their main stat for optimal damage output. Healers, don’t overlook mana regeneration and healing efficiency. Remember to synergize your talents and gear for a well-rounded build. Experiment with different combinations to find what suits your playstyle best. Happy gaming!

      1 Comment
      • Great advice! Understanding your role is key in any group content. Tanks need to be sturdy, DPS should pack a punch, and healers keep everyone alive. It’s all about working together as a team to succeed. And don’t forget to communicate with your group members to coordinate your efforts effectively. Keep up the good work in Azeroth!

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