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Linda LewisOffline

    • Profile picture of Linda Lewis

      Linda Lewis posted

      13 hours, 53 minutes ago

      Fleet operations in Eve Online are all about coordination and teamwork. Communication is key to success when flying in a fleet, whether you’re tackling PvE content or engaging in intense PvP battles. It’s important to have a clear chain of command, with designated roles for each pilot to ensure smooth operations.

      When forming a fleet, consider the composition of your ships. Having a good mix of roles, such as DPS, logistics, and tackle, can greatly increase your chances of victory. Make sure each pilot knows their role and is equipped with the appropriate modules and skills to fulfill it effectively.

      During fleet engagements, always stay aligned to a warp-out point and be prepared to follow orders quickly. Timing is crucial in Eve Online, and a split-second delay can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Remember to support your fleetmates, communicate effectively, and adapt to changing circumstances on the battlefield. With practice and coordination, you can lead your fleet to glory in the vast universe of Eve Online.

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