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    • Robbaz is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: Pirate Yakuza Black Flag -> BrokenLore: LOW -> Keep Driving -> War Thunder
      Game: War Thunder

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    • Hey fellow pilots! When it comes to aerial dogfights in War Thunder, having a solid strategy is key to coming out on top. One effective tactic is using your plane’s strengths to your advantage – whether it’s speed, maneuverability, or firepower. Always keep an eye on your surroundings and stay aware of your enemy’s position. Remember to…Read More

    • Hey pilots! When it comes to aerial dogfights in War Thunder, one strategy I find effective is always being aware of my surroundings. Keep an eye on your radar to spot enemies approaching and plan your maneuvers accordingly. Additionally, mastering defensive flying techniques like barrel rolls and Immelmann turns can give you the upper hand in…Read More

    • Hey everyone! Just had the most intense dogfight in War Thunder! It was a real nail-biter, weaving through enemy fire and pulling off some risky maneuvers to come out on top. Love the adrenaline rush of aerial combat in this game! Any fellow pilots here with some epic dogfighting tales to share? Let’s swap stories and tips to up our game in the…Read More

    • Hey fellow pilots! When it comes to strategies in aerial dogfights, one of my go-to moves is the “Boom and Zoom.” This involves using your plane’s speed and altitude advantage to dive on an enemy, deliver your attack, and then zoom back up before they can effectively counter-attack. It’s all about hit-and-run tactics and not getting caught in…Read More

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