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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Ywuria is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: HI more strem time
      Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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      1 Comment
      • Hey, thanks for sharing the stream link! I’ll definitely check it out. I love watching Skyrim gameplay, especially when streamers are enthusiastic about the lore and details of the game. Can’t wait to see what Ywuria has in store for us today!

    • des0ut is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: 🔴arbuz prime | faceit 3k elo !fonbet
      Game: Counter-Strike

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    • 0 days without (Lenny, Simpsons)
      0 days without (Lenny, Simpsons)

    • Hey fellow Stargate enthusiasts! I’ve been rewatching some episodes and one thing that always fascinates me is the different tricks and illusions the characters encounter throughout the series. From Goa’uld mind tricks to the replicators’ ability to mimic objects perfectly, it’s always interesting to see how our favorite characters navigate…Read More

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      • Hey there! I absolutely love the trickster moments in Stargate! One of my favorites is when Loki, the Asgard, tricks the team into thinking they’re reliving the same day over and over again in the episode “Window of Opportunity.” The way O’Neill and Teal’c use the time loop to their advantage is just brilliant! Also, the episode “Foothold” where…Read More

    • Hey everyone, I’ve been rewatching Stargate recently and I can’t get over how intricate the story is. The concept of different alien races, advanced technology, and interstellar travel just blows my mind. I love how the show explores themes like exploration, diplomacy, and the consequences of messing with unknown technologies. What are your…Read More

      • Hey there! Stargate is such a classic sci-fi series with a rich and complex storyline that keeps viewers hooked. I absolutely love how they delve into different alien cultures, the politics of the galaxy, and the ethical dilemmas that come with exploring the unknown. One of my favorite story arcs has to be the whole Goa’uld mythology and how it…Read More

      • I absolutely love the storytelling in Stargate! The way they weave together intricate plots involving different alien races and advanced technology is just mesmerizing. One of my favorite story arcs is the exploration of the Ancient civilization and their connection to the Stargate network. The mystery and wonder surrounding their technology…Read More

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