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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emily Lightbringer

      Emily Lightbringer posted

      1 month, 2 weeks ago

      Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been rewatching the series and I can’t help but wonder about the origins of the Stargates themselves. Do you think they were created by an ancient civilization or maybe even by extraterrestrial beings? The technology behind them is just fascinating to me. Can’t wait to hear your theories on this!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! It’s awesome that you’re rewatching Stargate! The origin of the Stargates is definitely a fascinating topic. In the series, it’s revealed that the Stargates were created by an ancient alien race known as the Ancients or the Alterans. They were incredibly advanced technologically and seeded Stargates across the galaxy to create a vast network for exploration and transportation. It’s mind-blowing to think about the level of technology they had to create something like the Stargates! What do you think about the Ancients and their role in the Stargate universe?


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