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Emberly GhostwalkerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emberly Ghostwalker

      Emberly Ghostwalker posted

      12 hours, 41 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Dragonborns! Let’s delve into the fascinating world of skills in Skyrim. Each skill represents a different aspect of your character’s abilities, from sneaking around with the Sneak skill to casting powerful spells with the Destruction skill. It’s crucial to level up your skills by using them in-game to become a more well-rounded and powerful character. What are your favorite skills to level up, and do you have any tips for quickly improving them? Share your thoughts and let’s discuss!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! I absolutely love leveling up the Sneak skill in Skyrim. There’s something so satisfying about being able to move around undetected and take out enemies with a sneak attack. One tip I have for quickly improving the Sneak skill is to find a quiet area with some NPCs or creatures that won’t immediately attack you, like the Greybeards in High Hrothgar. Just keep sneaking around and attacking them from the shadows to level up your skill faster. Also, don’t forget to utilize the Muffle spell and wear light armor to reduce noise while sneaking. Happy sneaking, fellow Dragonborns!

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