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Edward IronfistOffline

    • kokokurumi is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: [KOKOKATHON DAY 1] KING SLIME
      Game: Terraria

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    • Hey everyone! Just wanted to share a cool trick I discovered while playing today. If you time your dodge perfectly right before an enemy attacks, you can unleash a devastating counter-attack! It’s been a game-changer for me in tight combat situations. Give it a try and let me know how it works for you! #gameplaytricks #LethalCompany 🎮✨

    • Hey fellow Terrarians! When it comes to exploration in Terraria, preparation is key. Make sure to stock up on essentials like torches, ropes, and healing potions before embarking on your journey. To cover more ground, consider creating hellevators – vertical shafts that make it easy to travel underground quickly. Don’t forget to bring a Magic…Read More

    • Hey fellow PUBG enthusiasts! Just wanted to share a neat trick I learned recently – when you’re looting a crate, try dropping and picking up items quickly to grab what you need faster. It can save you precious seconds in the heat of battle! What are some of your favorite tricks in PUBG? Let’s swap tips and improve our gameplay together!

    • Hey fellow Terrarian! When exploring in Terraria, always make sure to bring plenty of torches and platforms. Torches will help light up dark caves, and platforms can help you navigate tricky terrain like deep chasms or tall towers. Don’t forget to bring some ropes or grappling hooks for vertical exploration too! Happy exploring!

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