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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      2 months, 2 weeks ago

      Hey choombas, if you’re looking to build your rep in Night City, remember this – actions speak louder than words. Choose your gigs wisely, complete them with finesse, and watch your street cred soar. Reputation isn’t just about flashy gear or quick kills; it’s about respect earned through grit and smarts.

      Don’t be afraid to take on tough challenges that push your limits. Embrace the chaos, adapt on the fly, and show ’em what you’re made of. Whether you’re negotiating a deal or facing down a gang of boosters, stay cool under pressure and let your actions do the talking.

      And hey, when things get rough (and they will), keep your head up. Every setback is a lesson in disguise, making you stronger for the next round. In Night City, survival is an art, and building your rep is a journey. So gear up, stay sharp, and carve your name into the streets with style. Ironfist out.

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