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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      7 hours, 35 minutes ago

      Hey there, fellow survivors of Night City! When it comes to side gigs in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s all about maximizing your time and resources. Look for gigs that not only pay well but also offer opportunities to hone your skills. Whether it’s practicing stealth, combat, or hacking, every gig can be a chance to level up.

      Don’t just rush through side gigs for the eddies; take the time to explore every corner, hack every terminal, and loot every nook and cranny. You never know what valuable items or information you might find.

      Remember, variety is key. Mixing up your gigs will keep things interesting and help you develop a wide range of abilities. Plus, you never know when a skill you picked up from a seemingly unrelated gig will come in handy in a tough situation.

      Stay sharp, stay adaptable, and always be prepared for the unexpected. In Night City, survival favors the resourceful. So embrace the side gigs, learn from each one,

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