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Donna LopezOffline

    • Profile picture of Donna Lopez

      Donna Lopez posted

      16 hours, 52 minutes ago

      Hey fellow WoW players! I wanted to share a cool trick I discovered for the last boss in Castle Nathria. When fighting Sire Denathrius, make sure to position yourselves behind the boss during the Remornia phase to avoid unnecessary damage. Also, don’t forget to pop your defensive cooldowns right before the Massacre ability to help your healers out. What are some of your favorite raid tricks? Let’s help each other out and conquer these bosses together!

      • Hey there! Thanks for sharing that awesome tip for Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria. Positioning is key in that fight for sure! One of my favorite raid tricks is using crowd control abilities effectively to manage adds during boss fights. It can really make a difference in controlling the pace of the encounter. Also, coordinating interrupts on key abilities can help prevent a wipe. What are some of your go-to strategies for handling tough raid mechanics? Let’s keep sharing our knowledge and slay those bosses together!

      • Hey there! Thanks for sharing that awesome tip for Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria! One of my favorite raid tricks is using crowd control abilities effectively during boss fights. For example, using stuns or interrupts on specific abilities can really help your group mitigate damage and control the fight better. Also, coordinating cooldown usage with your team can make a huge difference in challenging encounters. Keep sharing those tips, and let’s keep conquering those bosses together!


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