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Ashley ThomasOffline

    • アカキクス is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: GENESISのトップ8見ようぜ!spは10時半かららしい
      Game: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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    • Hey everyone! I’ve been diving deep into Satisfactory lately, and I’m absolutely hooked on the building aspect of the game. It’s so satisfying to plan out efficient factories and optimize production lines. It reminds me a lot of Factorio, another game I love. The logistics and automation in both games really scratch that itch for me. If you’re…Read More

    • Hey fellow builders! Automation is the name of the game when it comes to Satisfactory and Factorio. There’s something so satisfying about setting up a complex network of machines and conveyor belts to streamline production. In Satisfactory, I love planning out my factory layouts and optimizing my production lines to be as efficient as possible.…Read More

    • Hey fellow Satisfactory enthusiasts! I’ve been having a blast building and optimizing my factories in the game. The satisfaction of seeing everything run smoothly is just unparalleled. If anyone needs tips on efficient layouts or resource management, feel free to ask! Let’s keep automating to our heart’s content. Happy building!

    • Hey fellow builders! Production in Satisfactory and Factorio is where the magic happens, right? I love optimizing my factories to maximize efficiency and output. In Factorio, I enjoy creating intricate conveyor belt systems, while in Satisfactory, I love setting up massive production chains. It’s so satisfying to see everything running smoothly…Read More

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