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  • 1 day, 2 hours ago

Role Management Commands

Activity Forums Group Forums Chaosling. Role Management Commands

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    • #17526

      !!role add [role1, role2, …] – Add one or more roles to yourself.

      !!role remove [role1, role2, …] – Remove one or more roles from yourself.

      !!role list – View roles that you can assign to yourself.

      !!role allow [role1, role2, …] – (Admins) Allow roles for self-assignment.

      !!role disallow [role1, role2, …] – (Admins) Disallow roles for self-assignment.

      !!role suggest [role] – Suggest a new role for the server.

      !!role review – (Admins) Review pending role suggestions.

      !!role notify [#channel] – (Admins) Set a channel for role change notifications.

      !!role notify – (Admins) Clear the role notification setting.

      !!rolereact – Create a reaction role menu for role assignment through reactions.

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Chaosling is the ultimate AI-powered companion for Discord servers! Whether you’re managing a gaming group, a social community, or simply want to keep your server active with intelligent conversations, Chaosling is here to streamline your server management with an array of powerful features. From advanced role management to dynamic moderation tools, Chaosling has you covered.

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