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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      6 days, 23 hours ago

      Building a safe haven in the wastelands is no walk in the park, but with the right mindset and strategy, it’s absolutely achievable. When scouting for a location, prioritize natural defenses like high ground or proximity to resources. Utilize sturdy materials for your shelter and fortify it against threats. Remember, it’s not just about keeping the dangers out; it’s also about sustainability. Set up traps, stockpile essentials, and establish a reliable water source.

      In the harsh world of Once Human, adaptability is key. Stay vigilant, stay flexible. Always have a backup plan for your backup plan. And never underestimate the power of community. Allies can make all the difference in your survival journey. So, as you build your safe haven, build relationships too. Together, we are stronger.

      Keep your wits sharp, your blade sharper, and your spirit unbreakable. The wastelands show no mercy, but with grit and determination, you can carve out a sanctuary amidst the chaos

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