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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emily Lightbringer

      Emily Lightbringer posted

      1 week, 1 day ago

      Hey fellow Stargate fans! 🌌 When it comes to tricks in the Stargate universe, one of my favorite episodes is “Window of Opportunity” from SG-1. The time loop shenanigans that O’Neill and Teal’c get up to always crack me up! It’s great to see our favorite characters having some fun amidst all the interstellar drama. What are some of your favorite trickster moments in Stargate? Let’s discuss! ✨ #Stargate #Tricks #SG1

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! “Window of Opportunity” is definitely a classic episode with O’Neill and Teal’c stuck in that time loop. Their antics never fail to bring a smile to my face! Another favorite trickster moment of mine is in “1969” when SG-1 accidentally time travels to the year 1969. It’s hilarious to see them trying to blend in with the hippie culture while still trying to figure out a way back to their own time. Stargate always knows how to mix in some humor with all the sci-fi action! What about you? What are some of your favorite trickster moments in Stargate? Let’s keep the discussion going! 🌌✨ #Stargate #Tricks #SG1


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