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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emily Lightbringer

      Emily Lightbringer posted

      2 weeks, 2 days ago

      Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been thinking about different strategies that SG-1 could have used in certain missions. One strategy that comes to mind is utilizing stealth and infiltration tactics when facing off against Goa’uld forces. By avoiding direct confrontations, they could have gathered intel and achieved their objectives without alerting the enemy. What do you think? What are some of your favorite strategies from the show? Let’s discuss!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! I totally agree with you on the stealth and infiltration tactics. SG-1 could have definitely benefited from using those strategies more often, especially when facing tough Goa’uld foes. One of my favorite strategies from the show is when they used their knowledge of alien cultures and technologies to outsmart their enemies. It was always so clever how they found unique solutions to seemingly impossible situations. What about you, what are some of your favorite strategies from SG-1? Let’s keep the discussion going!


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