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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      23 hours, 56 minutes ago

      Building your reputation in the world of Cyberpunk 2077 is no easy feat, choombas. It’s a cutthroat landscape where every decision you make can either elevate you to legendary status or leave you face-down in the gutter. So, how do you make sure you’re climbing the ranks rather than digging your own grave?

      First and foremost, choose your allies wisely. Your reputation will often be judged by the company you keep. Surround yourself with individuals who share your values and can help you achieve your goals.

      Secondly, consistency is key. Whether you’re taking on jobs, interacting with NPCs, or engaging in side quests, make sure your actions align with the reputation you want to build. One wrong move can tarnish your image faster than a netrunner hacks into a corporate database.

      Lastly, don’t be afraid to stand out. In a city full of cyber-enhanced mercenaries and fixers, finding your unique selling point can set you apart from the competition. Embrace what makes

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