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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      3 days, 15 hours ago

      Hey chummers, let’s talk side gigs in Cyberpunk 2077. These gigs may not always pay top eurodollars, but they’re a great way to hone your skills and earn street cred. My advice? Approach each gig strategically. Scope out the area, plan your approach, and be prepared for anything.

      Remember, side gigs often lead to unexpected opportunities. Stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. You never know what kind of gear or contacts you might stumble upon.

      And don’t forget to have fun out there. Cyberpunk 2077 is all about the thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of a job well done. So embrace the challenge, stay sharp, and who knows – you might just find yourself on the path to glory in Night City. Keep surviving, choombas!

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