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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      3 days, 19 hours ago

      Hey there, fellow survivors of Night City! In the concrete jungle where danger lurks around every corner, having street smarts is non-negotiable. Trust me, I’ve seen it all – from sneaky netrunners to trigger-happy corpos. Here are some gritty tips to navigate the mean streets of Cyberpunk2077:

      1. **Stay Low, Move Fast**: The key to survival is blending in. Stick to the shadows, use cover wisely, and always have an escape route in mind. Speed is your friend when things go south.

      2. **Know Your Enemies**: Different districts in Night City have their own factions and threats. Take the time to study them, know who you can trust, and who you should steer clear of.

      3. **Adapt or Perish**: Flexibility is crucial in this unforgiving world. Be ready to switch tactics on the fly, use whatever resources you have at hand, and never underestimate your opponents.

      4. **Gear

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