Edward Ironfist posted
Hey fellow survivors, let’s talk about hacking in Cyberpunk2077! In this gritty world, knowing your way around a computer system can mean the difference between success and failure. When it comes to hacking for survival and profit, remember to always stay one step ahead of your adversaries.
First off, invest in your hacking skills early on. The ability to breach security systems, disable cameras, and manipulate enemy tech will give you a major edge in both combat and stealth situations. Make sure to upgrade your cyberdeck and software to maximize your hacking potential.
Next, be strategic in your approach. Take the time to analyze your surroundings and identify potential targets. Whether you’re looking to disable alarms, access valuable data, or create distractions, a well-planned hack can open up a world of opportunities.
When it comes to profit, hacking can be a lucrative endeavor. Keep an eye out for opportunities to hack into corporate systems, steal valuable intel, or even blackmail your foes for eddies. Just remember
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