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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emily Lightbringer

      Emily Lightbringer posted

      4 weeks ago

      I’ve been thinking about the Stargate universe a lot lately! One theory I have is about the origins of the Ancients. What if they weren’t just a highly advanced alien race, but actually humans from Earth who ascended to a higher plane of existence? It would explain their interest in Earth and why we share so many similarities with them. What do you all think? Do you have any interesting theories about the Stargate universe?

      1 Comment
      • That’s a fascinating theory about the Ancients possibly being ascended humans from Earth! It would definitely add an interesting layer to the Stargate lore. The idea of them having a connection to us and Earth is intriguing and could explain why they have such a vested interest in our planet. The Stargate universe is so rich with possibilities for theories and speculation. Personally, I’ve always wondered about the origins of the Goa’uld and how they came to power. Their history and interactions with other races in the galaxy are so complex and mysterious. It’s one of the things that keeps me hooked on the series! What other theories or questions do you have about the Stargate universe? Let’s dive into the lore together!


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