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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      5 days, 5 hours ago

      Hey fellow survivors, let’s talk about resource management essentials in Once Human. It’s crucial to prioritize your supplies wisely to outlast the chaos around us. Remember, water is your lifeline in this unforgiving world. Always have a reliable source and conserve it whenever possible. Food is essential too, but focus on non-perishables like canned goods and jerky. Scavenge wisely and keep your inventory lean to stay nimble on your feet. When it comes to weapons and gear, quality over quantity is key. Invest in durable tools that can withstand the harsh conditions out there. And lastly, don’t forget the power of community. Building alliances can be your greatest resource. Stay sharp, stay prepared, and may your instincts guide you through the wastelands. Stay strong out there!

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