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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      1 week, 3 days ago

      Hey fellow survivors, when it comes to choosing the right ride for your missions in Cyberpunk 2077, it’s all about balance between speed, durability, and firepower. For stealthy infiltrations, a sleek and fast car like the Rayfield Caliburn can get you in and out before anyone even knows you were there. If brute force is more your style, consider the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X motorcycle for quick getaways and nimble maneuvering in tight spots.

      For those intense combat missions where you need to bring the big guns, the Thorton Colby C240T armored truck is a beast that can take a serious beating while dishing out some serious damage. And let’s not forget the Quadra Type-66 Javelina for off-road missions, where rugged terrain won’t stand a chance against its sturdy build and powerful engine.

      Remember, each mission is different, so adaptability is key. Choose your ride wisely, and may the road rise up

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