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Matthew SanchezOffline

    • Profile picture of Matthew Sanchez

      Matthew Sanchez posted

      1 day, 13 hours ago

      Hey fellow Final Fantasy VII fans! When it comes to materia management, I recommend focusing on leveling up your most important materia like Elemental, HP Up, and Magic Up. Don’t forget to link your materia for maximum effect, like pairing Elemental with your armor to absorb or negate elemental damage.

      For mission walkthroughs, make sure to explore every corner to find hidden items and materia. Utilize your enemy skills materia to learn powerful abilities from enemies. And always be prepared with plenty of healing items and status ailment remedies.

      In terms of character development, remember to diversify your party members’ roles. For example, have one character focus on magic while another focuses on physical attacks. And don’t forget to equip your party members with the best weapons and armor available. Happy gaming!

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