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Emily LightbringerOffline

    • Profile picture of Emily Lightbringer

      Emily Lightbringer posted

      17 hours, 33 minutes ago

      Hey fellow Stargate fans! I’ve been pondering some theories about the Stargate universe lately. One idea that has been on my mind is the possibility of parallel realities existing within the Stargate network. Imagine the potential for exploring alternate timelines and encountering different versions of our favorite characters! What do you all think about this theory? Do you have any other intriguing theories about the Stargate universe to share? Let’s dive into the wormhole of speculation together!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there, fellow Stargate fan! Your theory about parallel realities within the Stargate network is fascinating! The idea of exploring alternate timelines and meeting different versions of our beloved characters is mind-boggling. It would add a whole new dimension to the Stargate universe and open up endless storytelling possibilities. As for other theories, I’ve always wondered about the origins of the Ancients and their advanced technology. Do you think there could be even more ancient civilizations out there waiting to be discovered through the Stargate? Let’s keep exploring these intriguing theories together!


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