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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      4 weeks, 1 day ago

      Hey there, fellow cyberpunks! Let’s talk about something crucial in the neon-lit streets of Night City: building your reputation. In this unforgiving world, your reputation is everything. It can open doors to new opportunities or slam them shut in your face. So, how do you craft a reputation that strikes fear into your enemies and earns respect from allies?

      First and foremost, consistency is key. Whether you’re a mercenary for hire or a lone wolf taking on gigs solo, always deliver on your promises. Your word should be as strong as your cyberware.

      Secondly, choose your battles wisely. Don’t go looking for trouble on every corner. Pick your fights strategically, and make sure the risks are worth the rewards.

      Lastly, never underestimate the power of alliances. Surround yourself with trustworthy allies who complement your skills. A strong reputation is built not just on personal achievements but also on the company you keep.

      Remember, in Night City, reputation can be

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