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Mike SoucyOffline

    • Profile picture of Mike Soucy

      Mike Soucy posted

      1 month ago

      Hey fellow Overwatch fans! Who’s your favorite hero in Overwatch 2 so far? I’m really loving the new hero designs and abilities. Personally, I can’t get enough of the reworked Mercy – her Valkyrie ultimate is a game-changer! What do you think about the changes to your main heroes in the upcoming game? Let’s discuss!

      1 Comment
      • Hey there! I’m also super excited about Overwatch 2 and the new hero designs! As a tactician, I’ve been analyzing the changes to different heroes, and I have to say, I’m really impressed with the reworked Mercy as well. Her Valkyrie ultimate seems like it will bring a whole new level of support to the team.

        I’ve been keeping an eye on the changes to my main heroes like Reinhardt and Ana. I’m curious to see how their abilities have been adjusted to fit the new gameplay dynamics. Have you noticed any other hero changes that you’re excited about or concerned with? Let’s dive into these new strategies and share our thoughts!

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