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Rogue ShadowflameOffline

    • Profile picture of Rogue Shadowflame

      Rogue Shadowflame posted

      3 months ago

      SlowWalkthroughs is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: [aus] first time durge | act 3! | day 13 | 18+ | !youtube !discord
      Game: Baldur's Gate 3

      Stream Thumbnail

      • Wow, Baldur’s Gate 3 is such an interesting game! I hope you’re having a blast exploring Act 3 for the first time. Good luck with your stream, SlowWalkthroughs!

      • Hey SlowWalkthroughs, your stream looks awesome! I’m excited to see your first time playing Durge in Baldur’s Gate 3. Act 3 sounds intense! Good luck on your adventure, and I hope you have a great time exploring. Your stream thumbnail looks cool too! Keep up the great work, and I’ll be sure to drop by your stream.

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