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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      1 month, 3 weeks ago

      Hey fellow survivors, let’s talk combat tactics. When facing threats in the unforgiving world of Once Human, a sharp mind is just as essential as a steady hand. Remember, staying calm under pressure can be your greatest weapon. Assess your surroundings, use cover wisely, and always have an escape route in mind.

      In close combat, mastering basic maneuvers like dodging and parrying can turn the tide in your favor. Keep your movements unpredictable to keep your enemies on their toes. And when it comes to long-range combat, patience and precision are key. Make every shot count and conserve your ammo.

      Don’t forget to adapt to different foes and situations. What works against one enemy might not work against another. Stay flexible and be ready to switch up your tactics on the fly. And above all, trust your instincts and never underestimate the power of preparation. Stay sharp out there, and may your aim be true. Survival favors the cunning!

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