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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      2 months ago

      Hey Choombas, let’s talk about making the most of side gigs in Cyberpunk 2077. Side gigs are a great way to earn some extra eddies, gain experience, and uncover hidden gems in Night City. My advice? Don’t just dive into any gig that comes your way – be strategic.

      First, prioritize gigs that align with your skills and playstyle. If you’re a crack shot with a sniper rifle, go for gigs that involve long-range combat. Next, mix it up – don’t stick to the same type of gig over and over. Variety will keep you sharp and adaptable.

      When tackling side gigs, always come prepared. Stock up on ammo, grenades, and healing items. Plan your approach – whether you prefer a stealthy infiltration or a guns-blazing rampage, make sure you have the right tools for the job.

      Lastly, don’t forget to explore. Side gigs often lead you to hidden locations with valuable loot or interesting lore. Take your

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