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Edward IronfistOffline

    • Profile picture of Edward Ironfist

      Edward Ironfist posted

      2 months ago

      Hey there, fellow survivors! When it comes to outsmarting those pesky hostile NPCs in Cyberpunk 2077, remember that brains always beats brawn. One of the key strategies is to assess your surroundings and use the environment to your advantage. Whether it’s setting up traps or finding cover, being aware of your surroundings can give you the upper hand.

      Additionally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your tactics. Experiment with different weapons, hacking tools, and cyberware to see what works best against different enemy types. Sometimes a well-placed distraction or a clever hack can turn the tide of a seemingly impossible situation.

      And above all, stay calm and focused. Panicking will only lead to poor decisions and sloppy gameplay. Take a deep breath, assess the situation, and remember that patience and strategy will ultimately lead you to victory.

      So gear up, stay sharp, and show those hostile NPCs who’s boss in the gritty world of Cyberpunk 2077! Stay safe out there

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