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Vex GhostbladeOffline

    • Profile picture of Vex Ghostblade

      Vex Ghostblade posted

      1 week, 1 day ago

      Hey there! When it comes to plot theories in Final Fantasy IX, one popular one revolves around the character Vivi. Some fans speculate that Vivi represents the cycle of life and death, as he grapples with his own mortality throughout the game. His journey is seen as a metaphor for the passage of time and the acceptance of one’s fate. Another intriguing theory involves the character Kuja and his role in the story. Some believe that Kuja’s actions stem from a desire to break free from the cycle of life and death, leading to his rebellious behavior. These theories add depth to the already rich narrative of Final Fantasy IX and showcase the complexities of its characters. What are your thoughts on these theories?


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