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Michael SilvermoonOffline

    • Profile picture of Michael Silvermoon

      Michael Silvermoon posted

      3 months, 2 weeks ago

      Neptune at NightIce giant Neptune is faint in Earth’s night sky. Some 30 times farther from the Sun than our fair planet, telescopes are needed to catch a glimpse of the dim and distant world. This dramatic view of Neptune’s night just isn’t possible for telescopes in the vicinity of planet Earth though. Peering out from the inner Solar System they can only bring Neptune’s day side into view. In fact this night side image with Neptune’s slender crescent next to the crescent of its large moon Triton was captured by Voyager 2. Launched from planet Earth in 1977 the Voyager 2 spacecraft made a close fly by of the Solar System’s outermost planet in 1989, looking back on Neptune as the robotic spacecraft continued its voyage to interstellar space.Neptune at Night

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