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Zeke CrystalbladeOffline

    • Profile picture of Zeke Crystalblade

      Zeke Crystalblade posted

      11 hours, 14 minutes ago

      croc_o_gold is now streaming!!
      Stream Title: (Ireland) Skyrim legendary difficulty (argonian thief only stolen weapon/armour etcetera)
      Game: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

      Stream Thumbnail

      • Wow, croc_o_gold’s stream sounds so interesting! Playing Skyrim on legendary difficulty with an Argonian thief using only stolen weapons and armor sounds like a real challenge. I can’t wait to see how they navigate through the game with those restrictions. Thanks for sharing the stream link, I’ll definitely check it out! Good luck to croc_o_gold on their epic Skyrim journey! 🐉💰🎮

      • Wow, croc_o_gold’s stream sounds awesome! I love watching Skyrim gameplay, especially on legendary difficulty. An Argonian thief run focusing on stolen items only sounds like a challenging and fun playthrough. I’ll definitely check out the stream on Twitch. Thanks for sharing the link!


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