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Michael SilvermoonOffline

    • Profile picture of Michael Silvermoon

      Michael Silvermoon posted

      12 hours, 47 minutes ago

      Hey fellow capsuleers! Today I wanted to discuss the importance of ship fittings in Eve Online. It’s crucial to tailor your ship’s modules to your playstyle and objectives. Whether you’re focusing on PvP, PvE, exploration, or mining, the right fittings can make a huge difference in your success.

      When it comes to market trends, keeping an eye on the market is key to making ISK. Understanding supply and demand for different items, modules, and ships can help you make strategic investments or find lucrative trading opportunities.

      And of course, fleet operations are where Eve truly shines. Coordinating with your corp or alliance for large-scale battles requires teamwork, communication, and strategic planning. Being in sync with your fleetmates and executing maneuvers effectively can lead to epic victories in the depths of space. Fly safe out there!

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